How to create a test in other languages (French/Portuguese/Spanish)?

Know how to create tests in your preferred language.

Create a test in Spanish, German, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, and many more.

Note: If you are uploading questions for the first time, you would need to create a category and skill first before uploading any questions. Read How to add your own questions?

  1. Go to My Questions.
  2. Select Add Question.
    Select the type of question you want to add, MCQ, True False, Fill in the blanks, etc from the drop-down list.
    add question
  3. Select the skill to which you want to add the questions in the drop-down menu.
    You can either type the question in the preferred language if your keyboard supports it or use web translators like google to convert the text into the desired language. Sample languages are demonstrated below. Currently, we support Russian, German, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Indian Regional Languages, Portuguese, and a lot more.
    According to the type of question you want to upload (MCQ, True/False, Fill in the blanks, or Descriptive), add the answer options, allocate the marks, assign the difficulty level and tag.
  4. Click Save.
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