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What can you see in Dashboard - Recruiter account?

The recruiter dashboard provides an overview of key metrics in your iMocha account

Dashboards allow you to gain insights into the most important aspects of data quickly.  iMocha's Dashboard empowers Recruiters to 

  • get real-time insights
  • streamline recruitment workflows
  • drive quick and accurate decision making  

How does it work? 

On Login into iMocha account, the Recruitment Dashboard page will open up. Or Click Analytics -> Dashboard. The default view is last 7 days for all tabs; this can be changed as per requirement. 

1) Overview: You can view -

  • The number of tests created
  • The number of invitations sent
  • The number of tests that appeared
  • The number of tests completed

    Recruiter Dashboard- iMocha

2) Invitations and Invitation Mode

You can view the day-wise breakup of the invites sent and the invitation modes, i.e., Email, Open Link, API, Reattempt.

Invitations- Dashboard

3) Test Status and Usage

You can view the test status and the number of reports generated.Test status and usage

4) Candidate Performance and Candidate Status

You can evaluate your candidate pipeline by viewing how the candidates have performed across your tests and the Candidate Status. (Note: The performance categories set by the admin will be displayed)

Candidate Performance and Candidate Status

5) Performing Tests and Performing Candidates

You can view the Performing Tests and Candidates. The top 10 performing tests are based on the maximum number of invitations sent. Similarly, Candidates scoring more than 50% in any of the tests will be showcased in Performing Candidates. 

Recruiter -Dashboard

6) Candidate Experience 

View how candidates have rated their test experience. 

Candidate Feedback - Dashboard

We hope this new feature helps you gain more insights. In case of any queries, please write to us at support@imocha.io

Also read,

What is Test Analytics

What is Test Insights